My daughter and I took the grandbabies to the local farmers market last night. The weather cooled just enough to make for a really enjoyable evening. After a little fresh fruit sampling we headed home for bathtime and hot air popcorn. It's become kind of ritual to finish off an evening at grandma's house.
I'm sure by the time I've finished adding salt and butter I wiped out any of the healthy benefits of air popped corn but they love to watch it pop and if you've ever tasted air popped corn you know it needs a little help in the taste department.
Once they were off to bed, I headed into my craft studio and finished the little sundress I've been working on for my local fabric store The SewNSew.
This is the first time I've added fabric covered buttons and I love the little extra detail they add. Since I know I will definitely be using these on a regular basis I hunted down an online source through Etsy called Cutiestuffs.
The fabric is Lil Miss Cutie Patootie from Red Rooster Fabrics, (it's available at The SewNSew online) the pattern is a Kwik Sew pattern #3035.
It really was quick and easy and one I will be using again and again.
Next up...I'm not sure. Be back soon to share...
I'm sure by the time I've finished adding salt and butter I wiped out any of the healthy benefits of air popped corn but they love to watch it pop and if you've ever tasted air popped corn you know it needs a little help in the taste department.
Once they were off to bed, I headed into my craft studio and finished the little sundress I've been working on for my local fabric store The SewNSew.
This is the first time I've added fabric covered buttons and I love the little extra detail they add. Since I know I will definitely be using these on a regular basis I hunted down an online source through Etsy called Cutiestuffs.
The fabric is Lil Miss Cutie Patootie from Red Rooster Fabrics, (it's available at The SewNSew online) the pattern is a Kwik Sew pattern #3035.
It really was quick and easy and one I will be using again and again.
Next up...I'm not sure. Be back soon to share...